Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's A New Dawn

Lately I've had the song "Feeling Good" stuck in my head. Partly because of the new Weight Watchers commercial with good ol' Whats-her-name, but mostly because I have a crap-ton of Michael Bublé on my iTunes.

           "It's a new dawn
           It's a new day
           It's a new life
           For me
           And I'm feeling good"

For some reason, these words have sparked something inside me. I realized that somewhere between getting married, having a beautiful daughter, and becoming a slave to those around me, I have lost my identity; and that I need to find it again. Therefore, I have decided that 2011 is the year that I reclaim myself.

I'm sure anyone who reads this is wondering "How in the hell do you expect to that, Katie?" You what my answer is? I have no idea. No. Freaking. Idea. That little, teeny, tiny fact truly terrifies me.

I considered becoming a nudist, but realized that I couldn't go to the grocery store anymore if I did. Well, I could, but it would be awkward. It would probably also end with me in handcuffs.... which could be fun in right conditions, but in that situation, probably not.

(Yes, I spent 20 minutes to draw a shitty picture in MS Paint.... I'm totally doing a crappy job of copying Hyperbole and a Half- She is so much more awesome than I am!) (p.s. sorry about the weird sizing, it gets bigger if you click on it.)
UPDATE: Strange Little Man (AKA my husband) read this and mentioned that he had no idea what this picture was, or how it related to the post. For those of you that are deprived of child-like art, it is me, nekked in the store.... (The wallet thing is funny because if I were naked, where would I put it? Get it? Oh, forget you!)

Anyway, I've decided to take it in baby steps.

Step One: Start a blog.
       Done. Whew! I feel empowered already! Okay, not really, but I do feel that having a place to write and sort my feelings and ideas will give me a place to put my brain when it doesn't work correctly.

Step Two: Make a list of things I would like to accomplish this year.
       This will take a while, and will cover many posts, but I can start today:
             1) Figure out why I suddenly have a loathing hatred for Taylor Swift.
             2) Learn to love my body no matter what size I am. Also to remember that the
                 number on my clothing tags are just that- a number. It does not define my
                 personality, what type of mom I am, or how I should feel in that article of clothing.
             3) Work on becoming a healthier me.
             4) Do one spontaneous thing at least once a month.
             5) Do one thing that pushes me out of my comfort zone and/or completely terrifies
                 me at least once a month.

     Five items to work on is a good start. I'm sure I'll come up with some more along the way.

Step Three: Ummmmmmmmmm... I'll get back to you, Step Three.

For now, I don't plan on posting every day. I'm not really writing for anyone but myself, but I will try to make it entertaining for anyone who cares to read about my clusterf*ck of a circus wonderful life.

Speaking of clusters, I do have a bit of a potty mouth. I am learning to censor it better, but there will be some days that I don't have the proper amount of brain cells to do so. It is not my intent to offend anyone, but I probably will. Even without my sailor speech enabled, I am not politically correct in any way.

2011, I am so ready to kick your butt!

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